It wasn't that long ago that I would have told you that someone who has had 35 birthdays was definitely old. Now that I'm here it definitely doesn't feel like I had once thought. I am definitely older. I'm also wiser. I'm more comfortable in my own skin. I'm working on gaining confidence. I don't sweat the small stuff. It's not so awful after all.
I've also learned that time most certainly doesn't stop even when things are tough. There have been some days and weeks I wasn't sure I would see the other side of, yet here I am, and looking back although those moments were truly trying, they were not the end of the world.
Since I started my family at a young age I am now enjoying the fruits of the labor of those hard early years. My kids can sleep in. They can get food themselves. One can even drive himself to sports practice and the grocery store. This is both exciting and sad all at the same time. Each phase of life has pros and cons. I'm trying to focus more on the pros.
It's interesting having a birthday at the end of the year because not only are you looking at what you want to accomplish before your next birthday you also have the advantage of all of the options out there for setting new goals for the actual calendar year. I'm long past the "New Year, New Me" phrase, as I'm very happy with who I am, but there are always ways to improve, and being content and complacent is not the same.
I hope that 2022 is a more positive year for everyone. My prayer is that you are able to find positive even in the days that it doesn't feel like there is any. For me, I plan on reading more, improving my writing skills and hobby, soaking in the last couple of years with my oldest at home, and trying really hard to work on my procrastination skills.
