2021 has been full of many ups and downs for us all, yet the one thing that I have continued to see through each and every season is that if you look hard enough there are always small bits of grace and beauty to help get you through even some of the darkest days.
A breathtaking sunset. A clear night sky. A big hug from your kiddo. A tug-of-war for a toy from your dogs. Finding the perfect series to binge-watch on Hulu. A call from your grandparent. Your favorite drink from Sonic. A friendly customer phone call.
The little moments remind us that we are all humans going through this thing called life and maybe we're not as alone in our suffering as we often make ourselves feel.

I know that each year will come with its own struggles and hardships, but with those God will sprinkle in these moments, but I have to remember to search them out and smile until the next one comes along. If I collect enough of these little treasures I know for sure I could write the longest novel in the land.