Have you ever had a "God" moment? A moment where you know that someone else is in control and you actually don't have to know what the next move is? You don't have to understand the situation? You don't need to know why certain things are happening the way that they are?
My week went completely crazy on Wednesday and I still can't actually wrap my head around the situation looking forward to Monday leaves me anxious and full of "what happens next" scenarios.
At the end of the work day on Wednesday, I went to my grandma's house to pick up my youngest who had spent the day there. I was flustered. I was trying to make things make sense even when they didn't. My head physically hurt from overwhelm and confusion.
When I walked in through the back porch sitting on the table was one piece of chocolate pie already on a plate. Now, it wasn't originally sat there for me. My aunt was going to take it home because it was the only piece left and grandma wanted the fridge cleaned out, however, it quickly became mine and it was the perfect piece of comfort to a wild day to calm my heart and my mind.

My grandma turned 83 last week. Her home, her food, and her presence have been my "Silent Night" for the past 35+ years.
Walking into the home that I have found solace in my entire life was the first time I had taken a breath all day. The piece of pie waiting on the table was my big exhale. Sitting down and eating the pie while venting out the frustrations of the day surrounded by my grandparents might not have solved the day's issues but it sure brought down my blood pressure.
I know many who aren't as lucky as me to have grandparents still alive, let alone that they live close and are a part of my daily life, but I am forever grateful for their constant presence and the peace they bring to me.