Have you ever had those days, weeks, months where you just feel like you can't get ahead? Like your core is good. You know what you need to do in order to feel good. Eat veggies. Move your body. Drink your water.
Yet here you are eating the ice cream, topping it with chocolate syrup, and consuming more Cherry Coke Zeros than an alcoholic might drink in alcohol. And when your body is giving you all kinds of signs that say this isn't how you go about living your best life you continue down the path anyway because you're tired and you're frustrated and you feel like this is just what it means to be an adult.
So tonight you made yourself get up and do the most modified workout you can imagine. You celebrate that you did consume a vegetable with each of your meals today. You're still a little low on the water and a little high on caffeine, but nobody is perfect, right?
I'm pretty sure that I'm still a long way from figuring out this whole adulting gig. I'm trying each day to be a better worker, a better mom, a better wife, a better friend. I tend to struggle in a lot of relationships because I find as I get older I prefer to just be by myself.
I also don't have a lot of confidence so the idea of meeting new friends or walking into like a gym or room of people I don't know is still super overwhelming to me and I would much rather be home in my recliner with a soft blanket and my laptop trying to find my next writing gig.
Anyway, the only real moral of this blog is that I'm tired. It's been a long day full of snow and cold and wind and there's more in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow. I'm beginning to feel more and more like my chewed-up sandal. I still have a solid foundation but crumbling around the edges. I know I can't be the only one.
