Sitting here in the wee hours of the morning of Easter and thinking of what some might have been feeling after the crucifixion of Jesus and even though the prophecy that he would rise again had been told over and over again in the human mind he was dead. Gone forever.
It's funny how humans work. How we can't comprehend anything past our own knowledge. Even after we learn, or are told, we still just have to continue questioning the why's and how's. As a parent, I see this every day and have for the last 16+ years. I can tell my kids "don't do this" or "don't try that" and a lot of times it is from personal experience. They still will do that and try this. They want to know for themselves. They want their own experience, not my take on it.

These things used to frustrate me. As I get a little bit older I tend to sit back and smile imagining my dad having the same feelings. We want to make things easier for our kids, but that's not how it works. They still have to make their own ways and discover their own knowledge through their experiences.
For now, I will sit in the quiet that is Easter. Be so grateful that God gave his Son to die on the cross for my sins and come back to life with a promise that there is a brighter future outside of the world that we see in the news today, and remember that God probably shakes his head at me and gives a little smirk each time I do something that he has already told me I shouldn't do.